Monday, December 15, 2008

5th Dec 08 - Team meeting with Supervisor

Met up with HC again. We consulted him what exactly can let us get high marks. He mention that as long thing which other project group don't have is good enough. Buuuuttttttt....most of the points is still given by the accessors. Sighz...

The team is looking for some other alternatives rather than integrating Java and Flash.

>> Ooops....please see minutes

Java team are finishing their 5 modes soon while the Flash team are still struggling with it.

For more info do refer to Minutes 11th and 12th.

14th Nov 08 - Meeting accessor

This is the day that we met Adrian. We demo to him our work.
He hinted that to get Distinction or HD, we need to do something special. Either the project is able to do unique stuff or else we able to make Bernard understand what is DES after the presentation (highly unlikely).

After that we discuss among ourselves what is are the special things we can do to get at least higher marks. Hmmmzz...but not much ideas...

No minutes were taken that day except some short notes which Adrian mention.